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Chop Kongsi

Life is a journey, an adventure, you will be one of the lucky people if you get the chance to go places and meet new faces.

People can be stations that add to our worth and inspire fresh feelings and ideas. I wake up everyday to a new place. Well, not literally everyday! A number of times a year, but it seems at the time like it's everyday. Random places I never thought about or imagined (sometimes even never heard of). And this time it was Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.

We stayed in a heritage inn in Georgetown called Ren I Tang; a 19th century shophouse which belonged to a Chinese herbalist. But that's not the only interesting part, because just a few steps away was this tiny shop, or workshop, called Chop Kongsi.


May Lyn, or the genius behind the place, believes that art shouldn't be commercialised (and I couldn't agree more). She embodies the importance of preserving the quality (as well as continuity and value) of handmades. Her products are the brainchild of a person who knows no boarders, every piece is a work of art in its own right, the most unique combination of crochet, embroidery and sewing! Any person wearing or using her handmade apparel will feel free as a bird.

I entered a small shop with

character, something I appreciate and hope one day to establish a unique workshop to my own taste, drawing inspiration from May Lyn.

If you're ever in Georgetown, Penang, make sure to stop by Chop Kongsi and appreciate the art May Lyn displays.

The lovely May Lyn (right) and me!

In the photo: Lovely May Lyn (right) and me!

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